I want to trace precedents in Google Sheets

I want to trace precedents in Google Sheets.
It is not possible to do that in Google Sheets.

The closest way is to open the file with Excel or LibreOffice Calc. But there are compatibility problems with special formulas and macros.

(Update: Please see the comments for this post)


  1. I think google does not have this function.

  2. see https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/77940/how-can-i-trace-precedents-in-google-sheet if you are not afraid at using small script.

  3. There is an addon for this in google sheets, it is called "Find precedents and dependents". You can install addons using the menu in google sheets. You use it from the menu item (it is under "add-ons" once installed).

  4. I found this add on that has both trace precedents and trace dependents https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-sheets-excel-short/bfncmfmdadhimlnpeecppaimgmeeppan

    Looks like they also have Excel formatting shortcuts, like the alt shortcuts you might be use to in Excel.


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